𝑾𝑬𝑳𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑬 𝑻𝑶 𝑩𝑬𝑳𝑭𝑰𝑶𝑹𝑬 — a distant continent off the coast of Mooborough seas; as long as anyone could remember, it used to be a place where humans could gather happily and in a state of peace. It was never intended to open the doors to anything else — though, back in those days, they were naïve to what demonic presences wandered the world. Time began to change that, unbeknownst to the humans that they were walking about their lands among creatures that weren't like them. Like a ticking clock, that time of tranquility began to melt away; however, just like humans, all they wanted was a place of peace — a place to call home, but that didn't matter.Trouble would soon brew from neighboring lands and Kingdoms, a darkness sweeping away territory after territory. No one knew what this abysmal cast had been, but there were tales of a Demon King who was betrayed by the humans he once adored and his grief was far too much to bare. Casters of all walk of life had come together to build a magical barrier around Belfiore, creating a safe haven for all those who no longer had a place to go. The barrier remained and soon walls were built around the land in assistance to protect those inside from what dwells out there.Still, many questions were left unanswered — the belief still lingering that it wasn't about protecting the people inside, but instead controlling them. Doubt had soon dissipated and life went on, never questioning why they didn't leave and never thinking about what more could be outside of these w a l l s. Belfiore became a place that accepted everyone — from humans, to vampires, to demons, to celestials and kemonomimi. The adjustment took time, but soon they began to realize that they weren't all too different. The comfort that existed in this world was more temporary than they began to realize as tension inevitably began to build. An ominous feeling once more entered the hearts and filled it with doubt.All who find Belfiore were either born here or can't recall h o w they got here — it's just how it's always been; however that's the thing when doubt begins, it's fickle like a feather, swept within the winds of time. In that same fleeting thought, a tension among demons began to blossom. Lies about how it was their fault the walls were built and now trapped inside with them could only mean destruction for humans. Tales written in riddles and assumptions of a distant past begin to arise. Could this be the turning point?There is one thing that many recall that stemmed from the old stories among their ancestors, an old folklore that they believed their h o m e to be based on along with the 'unique' flower that is native to Belfiore deemed the name Belsteria. Ironically, it was used to bring everyone together.The tale goes:
The Demon King once believed in a world where demons and humans could co-exist — he was said to love them and feel the need to protect them from the vengeful shadows that fluttered through this world. He would shield his form in fear that the humans could think of him differently as he was not one of them; he enjoyed watching their way of life — in the way they cared, helped one another and even loved. He wanted nothing more than to be a part of this miniscule existence. Upon his many shrouded visits to the humans, he met a young woman – her eyes like the cerulean seas and her hair white like snow — her name that whistled the sweetest melodies, Belsteria; she had shown him kindness and gave him more reasons to love humanity as he would soon love her far more.
Despite him never choosing to reveal himself, she fell for him too. When it came time to show his true-self, her love never faltered as she loved him for the Demon he was. She showed him endless kindness and reassured him that humans would welcome him for all that he does for them. They would accept him into the world despite his appearance. He trusted the truth, but still he hesitated. If there was anything he was certain of, it was Belsteria, soon wedding her and having a daughter — both of the blood of a demon and human. The oath and promise he wanted to make to her was a future he wished to see; however when it finally came time to show the world who he was, the humans he had loved turned on him. In an attempt to kill him, Belsteria had shielded her Demon King.In realization of the outcome, he turned from the world and ran with her to the meadows to be away from the humans who loathed him. With their infant daughter in tow, he laid his wife to rest in the meadows. He stayed there for days until her soul returned to the Earth — white flowers glistened and sprouted about, soft traces of water glistening along the petals like the tears he had shed for his lost beloved. Thus, the flowers were named Belsteria. The flowers in Belfiore became a way for lovers to confess their love for one another in the human world. They were said to bring good fortune to a couple — for her love for the Demon King preserved over hatred. Still today, they continue to bloom without the trace of water, but the sad history of the flowers remains shielded beneath the soil of time.

All those who read the lore begin to question what had happened to the Demon King's daughter, but it remains a mystery like the many roots of Belfiore — these same requests for answers linger, but its story is used for something else entirely.
With those flowers, stemmed a holiday — 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑬𝑳𝑳 𝑶𝑭 𝑭𝑰𝑶𝑹𝑬.
When lovers intend to express their affection, they pick a flower from the Snowbloom Meadows and confess their feelings to the one that has their heart. Just like Belsteria loved a Demon, they are showing that regardless of the obstacles, they choose to walk beside their target of affection. Every year, it celebrates this holiday with a masquerade dance where lovers and potential partners can meet in commemoration of their feelings and the safety that Belfiore brings them.But alas, all g o o d things come to an end.
━━ a darkness lays in waiting yet again.


𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒇𝒊𝒐𝒓𝒆 —∎ It's a medieval world with modernized technology; you have the ability to use a television, phone and other group chats / social media features along with general electricity. You don't have to rely on candles just to walk through a building or a lantern for the streets; however must jobs and attire reflect a more fantasy/medieval aesthetic.∎ There are no cars or motorcycles so you're still walking, riding in carriages / boats — or well in some cases your abilities make commuting easier.∎ The continent is walled in and there are other cities we'll reveal as we go, but the capital is Belfiore — (for example— It's like Australia, a continent/country with it's own Capital). There is no way to leave it. If you have abilities to teleport you still won't have the ability to teleport out of these walls or see above the wall in anyway.


— Welcome to the 𝑯𝑼𝑺𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑼𝑺𝑻𝑳𝑬 of Belfiore ! A lively city that encourages work of all kinds from shops of plenty and easy living surrounding it all; Belfiore City is the capital of Belfiore seeing how Belfiore is an established continent and country of it's own. From the upscale and welcoming day of Town Square to the venereal appetites of the Red Light District — there is something for everyone. There is plenty of ways to preoccupy your time and make a living here as it is most notorious for its Guild Activity.
Guilds were established in the main part of town to give orphans, runaways and people with strong adept abilities somewhere they could utilize their power for the good of the town along with providing a home that they can go to. Many of the guilds vary from magical aspects to more weaponized equipment — leaving options for everyone who wishes to be a part of keeping this town safe.Jobs are not hard to come by — if you’re looking, you’ll find it. Neighbors are friendly and welcoming to all. It’s a place to start your new business and enjoy the f i n e r things in life. There is a strip of town homes available for purchase and Guild quarters that are designed for members of the Guilds. Sights to be seen and much enjoyments to be had — this is where you want to be.Near the Red Light District there is also a place known as the Underground. It's where a lot of criminal activity also occurs in the city, but it's also another area where some of those unable to afford Belfiore end up.GLOHALM.
— There is something to be said about how money brings happiness, that how the only ones who will tell you any different are the ones with the short end of the stick. Glohalm is the home of the outcasts where people often live in poverty, dressed in rags and desperately trying to scrape by. It's where the ones who can't make it in Belfiore City end up, the shamed and crooked, thieves and tricksters — criminals to vile to be kept behind bars. It's not a nice place to be, and anyone in their right mind would take a different path, and mind their pockets, because money turns even honest men into wretched souls.
Anyone who has heard the terrible tale of how the beasts murdered and devoured human flesh knows that this is also where they reside, forever looked down upon by the humans, never to be redeemed. The tales aren't wrong, but they're not completely right either. Either way, if you're a human, it's in your best interest to stay out of Jutengai, unless you're looking for a repeat in history.The roads are broken and cracked, the buildings old and practically on the verge of collapse, and people here are familiar with death, as their loved ones starve and fall victim to crippling sorrow, left without any hope, for they believe there is nothing they can do. Money makes the world go round, and their unfortunate lot is to learn how to live without it, if they can manage that.CALABRIA.
— Horrors reside on the shores of Calabria – once a thriving town had found itself overcome by a sickness that ate away at all life here. After the walls were built around Belfiore, it entrapped the disease that acquired the name 𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑿𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑩𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑺 𝑰𝑹𝑨 or InEx Disease for short. The spread was relentless in its spread, causing the people of this town to lose their minds; many of the townsfolk began to find themselves hallucinating and enduring experiences that couldn’t be explained. Neighbors, friends and families had turned on one another and began to murder people they once have loved – some of their insanities had grown so vast that it had even led to cannibalism. At the beginning of the sickness, the neighboring cities attempted to bring in children who were not harmed by this disease but soon felt in order to contain it, they had to keep it from moving elsewhere.
For Calabria, they found this as an unforgiveable betrayal.They were walled in, unable to progress further into Befliore City or the other neighboring cities within the wall continent. They knew if it began to expand, it could have destroyed the whole continent, dismantling all that they’ve worked hard to build. After years had passed, they broke down the walls of Calabria only to see a g h o s t town – stories of dread now painted on the walls and the homes of this town. Claw marks and broken nails lingered on the bricks that were demolished and all that was left were skeleton remains – although vacant, restless souls still remain dormant.Angered. Vengeful. In various ways, there remains no trace of life at all as if the people had emerged into nothing. Graveyards were made in respects for the lives that were lost, but that didn’t appear to continue as many of the tombstones remained unfinished – ashes of burned flesh still linger within the soil and rooted in its history. It’s unviable to live there as some believe the sickness had come from the water or traveled from the seas. The disease that bestowed here no longer remains; however, there is said to be remnants of survivors that are no longer human, hiding away.Travelers be weary of coming here or you may find yourself encountering these lost creatures of the night or being tormented by the s o u l s that scowl in treachery. The only activity that remains here aside of the creatures that lurk here is Wargate Prison where the worst of the criminals reside and corruption flourishes.THE WASTELANDS.
— There has always been a d a r k history that is rooted in Belfiore along with the trouble that has grown behind closed doors. Each area held it's own history and for the wastelands the horrors are apparent. From Knights to bounty hunters, everyone had to make a living and create a world in the image that they saw fit, but the wastelands had been a place where those who don't want to be seen or harbored. It's a desert-scape which doesn't attract many to live out here, but it does invite travelers who are looking to make a living, stop by for a drink or a relaxing night in the inn. That is, if they can ignore the evident troubles that linger, especially with the gallows in plain sight.
Although Belfiore has painted itself as welcoming to all, there is trouble brewing beneath the surface of the country. From slave traders to corruption, it's never-ending. There is said to be an operation where slaves are being hidden away and forced to work at the brothels or be utilized for other means. The wastelands aren't visited or frequented by those who care as the Knights hardly react to the current issue and people turn a blind eye to the truth. There is also a key operation where bounties are posted in the area for hunters. The Knights put up notice in order to get assistance from hunters that are looking to make big chrones/chronus(aka money).The bounties here have dungeons undergrounds that are operated by the Knights for prisoners. Many in which waiting for the trial or to be hanged at the gallows. The information regarding the Knight involvement has been relatively hidden as they try to advise that they operate in separate chambers but in correspondence of one another, but this isn't the case. The only ones subjected to that truth are those are captured.NASIVEH MOUNTAINS.
— Nasiveh is unique to Belfiore as it's endless snow filling the region — storms passing in and out with no care to those who live there; however, the few that reside here are use to the climates and the changes that are often made here. People that live here are welcoming to newcomers as they don't get many due to the climate, but they are also weary to those who aren't native of Nasiveh. Deep in the caves and far into the snowy region there are monsters unlike any other that are often requested to be slain by guilds and hunters of various kinds. Due to this, many travelers seen here don't often return and the explanation regarding these creatures are never further explained.
There is something strange the higher you are upon the mountains is a weird pressure of wind that encourages travelers to turn back. Unlike the majority of Belfiore that is encompassed by a wall, this region is open, but they further you travel to the edge of this area that harsher the winds become, making it nearly impossible to go further. This could easily be mocked up by the heavy storms this area frequents, but despite the weather, it's a place where miners can come. Unique gems and rocks are imbedded in the caves here, leaving a surreal beauty that is worth exploring.If you're not use to the cold you'd want to limit your time outside as it can be troubling in it's own way.

All 'descriptions' of these cities are further explained in the server in their respected channels.


These videos were created for the server during the masquerade arc to highlight character interactions and stories that occured during this event.



The quiet town of Belfiore had began to grow — guilds began popping up all around town and new bonds began to form, but despite all the joy the citizens of Belfiore felt and the l o v e they found, there had been a darkness brewing that no one could quite put their fingers on. Sometimes it was nothing more than just an ominous feeling. There was a darkness in the catacombs waiting to be explored, but the last ones to explore that area never returned. Strangely, any investigation made was non-existent.
There was no certainty of understanding as to why this was the case and the question still remains of why there is a heavy dark feeling clustering in the Catacombs. Shortly after, a new evil began to immerse itself in the lives of selected individuals in town. Ominous text messages from unknown senders that promised evil and foul play left the town in shambles. In a country that had already disliked demons due to the lore of their town, this had been just another stressor and provided more f u e l for the citizens to voice their disgusts and build an even bigger divide among each other.The senders happened to know personal information about their targets — some information that not even the targets were aware of. Old bonds that they didn't know existed here. The harassment continued until a vital question was asked:W̵͙o̵̕ư̵̺l̶̪̽d̶̄ ̴̇͆y̷̆͠ó̶u̴̩̿ ̵͂͂s̵̹̅ã̶͊v̴̰͘e̴͋͊ ̸͜͝p̵̱̚ė̵̑r̷͎̿s̵̃̃o̵͛ň̶͍ ̸̧̃A̸͛ ̴͈̊o̵̝̐r̴̤̍ ̵̈́p̵͑ē̶r̷̉̎s̷̃͊ó̴̫n̸̊͂ ̴̬͛B̵͖͝?̶̆ͅEveryone either asked for the mysterious sender to take them in place of their selection where it refused. And if neither name was chosen, then both were subjected to the horrors. Every time someone had a chance to save one person, they didn't take it and instead mocked the sender. Which, in return, it subjected both people to the horrors that were coming to play. The senders continued to harass and even had grown far more b r a v e in attacking people in their homes or their guilds. None of it made sense, but eventually the chaos calmed down and local guilds began to plan an event called: Bella Notte.The Guilds were still alarmed and asked that each person make sure they don't go to the festival alone. This had been exciting for many as it implied blooming romances for some! There was no sign of trouble as everyone mingled and enjoyed their time together until mayhem had once more arrived. The names that were brought into the messages of — who would you save? became targets.An unbearable heat targeted them to the point that they began to fever and sweat to the point that they could no longer hold themselves up. The fever had reached such severe heights it was surprised that none targeted were dead. In the midst of their fevers, pain began to start as an emblem was formed on the person's body. The severity of this pain had shown that it was being etched into their skin. The process was slow and caused quite a bit of blood loss on those that were marked. Those who had a high pain tolerance could withstand it without their bodies passing out while others couldn't muster it and found themselves knocking out from it.Those who were marked during Bella Notte festival were: _Laxus Dreyar, Lisanna Strauss, Freed Justine, Juvia Lockser, Leon Belmont, Jericho, Sting Eucliffe, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Shinmon Benimaru, Escanor, Bell Cranel, Ais Wallenstein, Gray Fullbuster, Merlin and Vanitas. _All those were marked began to finally pass out into a deep sleep that they couldn't awake by normal means. Each person that was now in a sleep was subjected to horrors of their past life. Although it didn't reflect in the life they lived now, they felt like it was the m o s t real experience that they had experienced. When they finally awoke from their dreams, many had experienced resentment and struggled with their new realities. They knew the dreams weren't real, but they couldn't shake them nonetheless.During the time that Rin and Mirajane had been away, they were locked on a platform and forced to experience torture that would have been traumatic for anyone to experience. At the end, they were given vital information — whoever this girl was, she was the key to getting the answers. Upon further research, it was learned that the girl that was tortured was Cordelia. The Demon King's missing daughter. [Can be found in lore]. Due to Cordelia's nature of being a demon, she was tortured by the humans and in turn she wanted to get revenge on humanity as a whole. How the links are connected still remain a mystery. The c l o c k is ticking as they had learned all those with emblems are on a timeline. No one knows when or how, but their lives are intended to be cut short.They had heard a clock strike 11PM and all who were affected felt their bodies go into cardiac arrest before it corrected itself. Still leaving many in pain for days after. For Rin and Mirajane, although they experienced this dream like state they couldn't be marked. Could it be that they weren't marked because they were demons? Who knows; however, they experience the pain as if they were getting the emblems periodically. In their own way, they were marked and spited by the demons they challenged.The attention began to alert the Knights. There was signs of corruption that was being noted, but they made their appearance to be far from that. With hardly any chance to further review on this information, the Belfiore Knights began setting up their stations in the Guild Quarters. Although they speak as though their intentions are to help the people, their means are misconstrued and no one knows why. They don't like the demons and want to do something about the chaos, but there is even more destruction in it's wake. No demons are safe and no one aiding or abetting is either. The Knights are sanction to follow particular orders, but right now they are remaining dormant and experiencing their own divide.Some Knights are choosing to walk away from their duties because they don't agree in the current direction while others are embracing it. Their focus was to check the Guilds and count to see which are harboring bounties — but it doesn't mean the town itself isn't pointing fingers and causing the bounty hunters to come out to play. Everyone wants to collect the bounties, regardless of the reason they're on those boards.**The following stories are interlinked with the main events and are being summarized as they correlate with one another: **Inferno Inn was a location designated for mass murders and ran by a powerful man in this town. Lone travelers would come in and pay only to be sentenced to death by the owner's maid, Rem. Travelers that stayed the night would be looted and their bodies would vanish, but this night had changed upon Naofumi choosing to rest there. He was able to overcome her strength and leave. She in turn found herself punished by the owner, Ralsven. In retaliation she had killed her Master and ran away to find Naofumi. Everyone knew of the demon girl's appearance and had advised The Knights.That predicament merged into a new one. In search of Rem and her accomplice, Malty and the Knights rampaged through the Red Light District to find her — invading businesses and looking for someone that could fit their description. Eventually, this had led them to the Veil Bar where they encountered the owner, Nero along with two other guests: Flamie and Ojiro. Two in which were also demons. They ransacked the place to the point that it had angered Nero to retaliate. Instead of pressing matters further, they had fled the scene and notified the Barrage Pub of a new added bounty they could add to their roster.In Wargate Tower, there was a man named Ban who had been arrested for claim against him that hadn't been true. Jericho, being her first day had been assigned to the towers. She figured she'd be on the front line since her whole family had been Knights, but instead she was sentenced here. Upon meeting Ban, she was swindled into him getting free and conflicted by understanding if he was telling the truth or not. Not wanting to leave her locked up on the top floor, Ban jumped to the ground with Jericho where they were forced to encounter Knights. Due to orders, all Knights were assigned to kill Ban and take Jericho out with. Why they wanted her dead was never revealed.Among all of this, a meeting has been initiated by another mysterious sender for the Meeting of the Masters. Whether this is a trap or not, it had caused all the Masters to leave their guilds for this meeting. Only time could tell what would happen next as we progress into Chapter 2.


Chapter two: Coming soon.




  • Accountant

  • Actor/Actress

  • Adventurer

  • Animal Attendant/Healer

  • Apothecary

  • Apprentice

  • Architect

  • Assassin

  • Assistant Nurse

  • Author/Writer


  • Baker

  • Bard

  • Barbarian

  • Barmaid

  • Bartender

  • Bath Owner

  • Bath Attendant

  • Bath “Worker”

  • Bellhop

  • Blacksmith

  • Bodyguard

  • Botanist

  • Bouncer

  • Bounty hunter

  • Butcher


  • Captain

  • Caretaker

  • Carpenter

  • Chauffeur

  • Cobbler

  • Construction Manager

  • Cook/Chef

  • Courier

  • Crematorium Technician

  • Critic


  • Dancer

  • Dealer (Casino)

  • Delivery Truck Driver

  • Demon Slayer

  • Dentist

  • Detective

  • Devil Hunter

  • Doctor

  • Drug Dealer


  • EMT/Paramedic

  • Engineer

  • Epidemiologist

  • Event Planner

  • Exorcist


  • Farm Hand

  • Farmer

  • Fashion Designer

  • Financial Analyst

  • Firefighter

  • Fisherman

  • Floral Designer

  • Food Critic

  • Forensic Scientist

  • Funeral Director


  • Gamemaster

  • Gang Leader

  • Geologist

  • Glass Blower

  • Groundskeeper

  • Guidance Counselor

  • Guild Master

  • Gym Manager


  • Hairdresser

  • Hazardous Waste Specialist

  • Headmaster

  • Healthcare

  • Heiress

  • Historian

  • Hitman

  • Hotel/Inn Manager

  • Housekeeper

  • Hunter

  • Hygienist


  • Immunologist

  • Innkeeper

  • Insurance Agent

  • Interior Designer

  • Interpreter

  • Interviewer

  • Inventor


  • Jailkeeper

  • Janitor

  • Jeweler

  • Job Recruiter

  • Journalist

  • Judge

  • Juvenile Counselor


  • Keeper

  • Kennel Manager

  • King

  • Kier Operator

  • Knight


  • Lab Director

  • Landscaper

  • Lawn Caretaker

  • Lawyer

  • Leader

  • Leasing Agent

  • Librarian

  • Life Coachs

  • Lifeguard

  • Loan Shark

  • Locksmith

  • Lumberjack

  • Lyricist


  • Mage

  • Maid

  • Mail Carrier

  • Manger

  • Map Maker

  • Martial Arts Teacher/Instructor

  • Massage Therapist

  • Mayor

  • Mechanic

  • Mediator

  • Medical Record Assistant

  • Mercenary

  • Merchant

  • Museum Educator

  • Military Officer

  • Miner

  • Model

  • Mortician

  • Mover

  • Musician

  • Musketeer


  • Nanny

  • Navigator

  • Neurologist

  • News Anchor

  • Newspaper Editor

  • Novelist

  • Nun

  • Nurse

  • Nutrition Consultant


  • Ob/gyn

  • Oceanographer

  • Oceanologist

  • Office Clerk

  • Ophthalmologist

  • Optician

  • Optometrist

  • Orthodontist

  • Outlaw

  • Owner


  • Painter

  • Paleontologist

  • Paramedic

  • Performer

  • Personal Coach

  • Pastor/Priest

  • Pest Control

  • Pet Sitter

  • Pharmaceutical

  • Philosopher

  • Photographer

  • Physical Fitness Trainer

  • Physical Therapist

  • Physiologist

  • Pirate

  • Plumber

  • Police Officer

  • President

  • Principal

  • Professor

  • Psychiatrist


  • Quality and Food Safety Manager

  • Quartermaster

  • Queen

  • Quilt Maker

  • Quoter


  • Radio Host

  • Railroad Conductor

  • Railroad Engineer

  • Real Estate Agent

  • Receptionist

  • Recorder

  • Recruiter

  • Referee

  • Repairman


  • Sales Manager

  • Security Guard

  • Seamstress

  • Shinobi

  • Ship Captain

  • Ship Carpenter

  • Singer

  • Social Worker

  • Software Developer

  • Sports Medicine Specialist

  • Stablemen

  • Stand-up Comedian

  • Stonecutter

  • Student

  • Swim Coach

  • Surgeon


  • Tailor

  • Talent Agent

  • Tapper

  • Tax Attorney

  • Teacher

  • Teacher Assistant

  • Technician

  • Telemarketer

  • Therapist

  • Thief

  • Tour Agent

  • Tour Guide

  • Translator

  • Treasurer

  • Tutor

  • Typographer


  • Umpire

  • Unit Assistant

  • Unit Director

  • Upholsterer

  • Usher

  • Utility Clerk

  • Utility Worker


  • Vacuum Caster

  • Vagabond

  • Valet

  • Vampire Hunter

  • Veterinarian

  • Veterinary Technologist & Technician


  • Waitress

  • Wall Cleaner

  • Wall Washer

  • Wanderer

  • Warden

  • Wardrobe Assistant

  • Web Developer

  • Wizard

  • Writer/Author


  • X-Ray Technician

  • Xerox Machine Mechanic

  • Xylographer

  • Xylophonist


  • Yacht Captain

  • Yarn Spinner

  • Yield Engineer

  • Yoga Instructor

  • Youth Minister

  • Youth Pastor

  • Youth Worker


  • Zipline Guide

  • Zookeeper

  • Zoologist

  • Zumba Instructor


Agape Studios

  • Yuri Plisetsky - Owner

── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ──

All Blue

  • --- - Owner/Head chef

── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ──

Barrage Inn/Pub

  • --- - Owner

── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ──

Belfiore Apothecary

  • --- - Owner

── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ──

Belfiore Inn

  • Rin Okumura - Owner

  • Tohru Honda - Maid/Cook

── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ⋅⋅ ── ✩ ──

Belfiore University

  • Ozpin - Headmaster

  • Byleth Eisner - Professor

  • Gojo Satoru - Professor

  • Jaune Arc - Security Guard

  • Shura Kirigakure - Professor

  • Sousuke Aizen - Professor

  • Yuki Sohma - Librarian

  • Zhongli - Professor

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Bellheart Cathedral

  • Father Abel Nightroad (NPC) - Owner/Priest

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Blue Lotus Cafe

  • Akira Kurusu - Owner

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Bordello Avenue

  • --- - Owner

  • Ken "Draken" Ryuguiji - Worker

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Brimstone Skye and Events

  • Ishtar - Owner/Dancer

  • Akari Takashi - Singer

  • Azura - Singer/Dancer

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  • --- - Owner

  • Hinatsuru Uzui - Worker

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Bullseye Archery

  • --- - Owner

  • --- - Worker

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  • --- - Owner

  • Sumire Yoshizawa - Performer

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Clover Tavern

  • Cornelia - Owner

  • Ichigo Kurosaki - Bouncer

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Crimson Dawn

  • Diluc - Owner

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Fire Department

  • Takehisa Hinawa - Fire Chief

  • Maki Oze - Firewoman

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Floret Flush

  • --- - Owner

  • Shiemi Moriyama - Botanist

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Gear Fashions

  • --- - Owner

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The Glasshouse

  • Kojiro "Joe" Nanjo - Owner/Head chef

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Go Coffee

  • --- - Owner

  • Makoto Tachibana - Deliever

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  • Benimaru - Owner

  • Shirogane - Maid

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Hellhound Brewery

  • --- - Owner

  • Rebecca Bluegarden - Barmaid

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Hellhouse Tavern

  • --- - Owner

  • --- - Worker

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Honorable Plum

  • Kanae Kocho - Owner

  • Sabaku No Gaara - Head Botanist

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Hot Springs

  • --- - Owner

  • --- - Worker

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Horse Stables

  • Kai Yokoyama - Owner

  • --- - Worker

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Icecream Shop

  • --- - Owner

  • --- - Worker

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Illwood Penitentiary

  • Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki - Owner

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Inferno Inn

  • --- - Owner

  • Rem - Maid

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Jasmine Dragon

  • Zuko - Owner

  • Koushi Sugawara - Worker

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La Boheme

  • --- - Owner

  • --- - Worker

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Lunar Hospital

  • Sakura Haruno - Chief Executive Officer/Medical Director/Surgeon

  • Kei Tsukishima - Physical therapist specialty in sports medicine

  • Marco - Traveling Physician

  • Minato Namikaze - Doctor

  • Orihime Inoue - Nurse Practitioner

  • Shirayuki - Pediatrician

  • Vanitas - Doctor

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Moonflour Bakery

  • --- - Owner

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Moonlit Cabaret

  • Semiramis - Owner

  • Azura - Part time dancer

  • Katara - Dancer

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News and Radio

  • Nikei - editor-in-chief of paper and fanmail

  • Cow Girl - Weather announcer

  • Denji - Food Critic

  • Hizashi Yamada - Radio Host

  • Violet Evergarden - Love Column

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Odds and Ends

  • --- - Owner

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Pheonix Apothecary

  • --- - Owner

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Police Department

  • --- - Police Chief

  • Daiki Aomine - Police Officer

  • Satsuki Momoi - Forensic Scientist

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Rockin' Ramen

  • --- - Owner

  • --- - Server

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Scripted Books

  • --- - Owner

  • Ainz Oown Goal - Librarian

  • Levy McGarden - Librarian

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Serenity Spa

  • --- - Owner

  • --- - Worker

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Starlit Cafe

  • --- - Owner

  • --- - Server

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Stellar Burlesque

  • --- - Owner

  • Lisanna - Ex-dancer

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Sugar Apple Candy Shop

  • Anne Halford - Owner

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The Veil Bar

  • Nero - Owner

  • Kyrie - Barmaid/Waitress

  • Satoru Gojo - Bartender/Bouncer

  • Vi - Bartender/Bouncer

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Vieux Theater

  • Kai Yokoyama - Owner

  • --- - Worker

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The Vintage Genie

  • --- - Owner

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Wild Rose

  • Kaoru Kamiya - Owner

  • Sanosuke Sagara - Bodyguard

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Yorkholm Tavern

  • --- - Owner

  • Diane - Barmaid



  • Bakugou Katsuki - Barbarian

  • Ban - Vagabond

  • Benimaru - Wanderer

  • Buddha - Wanderer

  • Denki Kaminari - Musketeer

  • Gilbert Bougainvillea - Vagabond

  • Inuyasha - Vagabond

  • Jellal Fernandes - Outlaw

  • Ochako Uraraka - Mage

  • Qin Shi Huang

  • Shiki Granbell

  • Shoto Todoroki - Wanderer

  • Vash - Vagabond

  • Venti - Traveling Bard

  • Violet Evergarden - Wanderer

  • Yona - Vagabond

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  • Shiemi Moriyama - Herb/med seller

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  • Diane - Yorkholm Tavern

  • Kyrie - The Veil Bar

  • Mirajane - Fairy Tail

  • Rebecca Bluegarden - Hellhound Brewery

  • Satoru Gojo - The Veil Bar

  • Vi - The Veil Bar

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  • --- - None at the moment

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  • Hak Son - Personal

  • Haruka Tenou - Personal

  • Sanosuke Sagara - Wild Rose

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  • Charlotte Roselie - Private

  • Sabaku no Gaara - Honorable Plum

  • Shiemi Moriyama - Florets Flush

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  • Ichigo Kurosaki - Clover Tavern

  • Satoru Gojo - The Veil Bar

  • Vi - The Veil Bar

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Bounty Hunter

  • Bell Cranel

  • Itachi Uchiha

  • June

  • Kisame Hoshigaki

  • Nina Drango

  • Qrow Branwen

  • Roronoa Zoro

  • Spike Spiegel

  • Toshiro Hitsugaya

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  • Hinatsuru Uzui

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  • Kojiro "Joe" Nanjo - The Glasshouse

  • Megumi Tadokoro

  • Souma Yukihira

  • Tohru Honda - Belfiore Inn

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Circus Performer

  • Sumire Yoshizawa

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  • Azura - Brimstone Skye & Events/Moonlit Cabaret

  • Ishtar - Brimstone Skye & Events

  • Katara - Moonlit Cabaret

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Demon Slayer

  • Kanae Kocho - Flower Hashira

  • Kyojuro Rengoku - Flame Hashira

  • Sanemi Shinazugawa - Wind Hashira

  • Shinobu Kocho - Insect Hashira

  • Tengen Uzui - Sound Hashira

  • Yoriichi Tsugikuni

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  • Marco - Traveling Physician

  • Minato Namikaze

  • Sakura Haruno - Surgeon

  • Shirayuki - Pediatrician

  • Vanitas

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  • Rin Okumura

  • Samantha Manson - Club President

  • Shura Kirigakure

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  • Megumi Tadokoro

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Fashion Designer

  • ---

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  • Maki Oze

  • Takehisa Hinawa

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For Hire

  • Bankotsu - Mercenary

  • Childe - Mercenary

  • Choso - Mercenary

  • Eijirou Kirishima - Mercenary

  • Eren Yeager - Mercenary

  • Hak Son - Mercenary

  • Jinx - Mercenary

  • Klein - Mercenary

  • Loid - Spy

  • Lumine - Mercenary

  • Nagumo - Assassin

  • Naofumi Iwatani

  • Rei Suwa - Assassin

  • Sanosuke Sagara - Mercenary

  • Sasuke Uchiha - Mercenary

  • Sevika - Mercenary

  • Sinon - Assassin

  • Toph Beifong - Construction

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  • Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki

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Guild Master

  • Ainz Oown Goal - Nulla Reditus

  • Blake Belladonna - White Fang

  • Elizabeth Liones - Boar Hat

  • Gawain - Divine Swords

  • Joker - Phantom Thieves

  • Kanae Kocho - Demon Slayer

  • Kisame Hoshigaki - Akatsuki

  • Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail

  • Lumine - Starglitter

  • Rimuru Tempest - Tempest Guild

  • Roronoa Zoro - Mugiwara Fleet

  • Shouta Aizawa - Plus Ultra

  • Sting Eucliffe - Sabertooth

  • Tatsumaki - Sorcery

  • Yona - Dragon Wings

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  • Rem - Inferno Inn

  • Shirogane - Headwaters

  • Tohru Honda - Belfiore Inn

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  • Achilles - Monster Hunter

  • Ais Wallenstein - Monster Hunter

  • Denji - Devil Hunter

  • Fremy Speeddraw - Monster Hunter

  • Geto Suguru - Monster Hunter

  • Jeanne the Hellfire witch - Cursed Hunter

  • Kento Nanami - Demon Hunter

  • Kiryu Zero - Hunter

  • Lei Ren - Hunter

  • Nora Valkyrie - Huntress

  • Power - Demon Hunter

  • Toshiro Hitsugaya - Monster Hunter

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  • Charioce XVII/Chris

  • Gawain

  • Jericho

  • Kakashi Hatake

  • Momo Yaororozu

  • Sylvian Jose Gautier

  • Zen Wisteria

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  • Ainz Oown Goal

  • Levy McGarden

  • Yuki Sohma

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  • Shiki Granbell

  • Yang Xiao Long

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  • ---

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  • ---

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  • Akari Takashi

  • Azura

  • Hizashi Yamada

  • Kaoru Sakurayashiki

  • Taiki Kou

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  • Klein

  • Orihime Inoue

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Physical Therapist

  • Kei Tsukishima - Sports medicine

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  • Jae-ha

  • Roronoa Zoro

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  • Qin Shi Huang - Emperor

  • Rimuru Tempest - Lord

  • Shoto Todoroki - Prince

  • Yona - Formar Princess

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  • Hinatsuru Uzui

  • Itachi Uchiha

  • Kakashi Hatake

  • Kisame Hoshigaki

  • Kushina Uzumaki

  • Sabaku no Gaara

  • Sakura Haruno

  • Tengen Uzui

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  • Anya Forger

  • Danny Fenton

  • Jaune Arc

  • Kasumi Miwa

  • Katsuki Yuuri

  • Koushi Sugawara

  • Kyo Sohma

  • Langa Hasegawa

  • Lei Ren

  • Makoto Tachibana

  • Megumi Fushiguro

  • Pyrrha Nikos

  • Rin Okumura

  • Samantha Manson

  • Sumire Yoshizawa

  • Tohru Honda

  • Tsukasa Kazuki

  • Usagi Tsukino

  • Voyager

  • Weiss Schnee

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  • Byleth Eisner - Professor

  • Kaoru Sakurayashiki - Music

  • Kazuto Kirigaya/Kirito - Swordsmanship

  • Kisame Hoshigaki - Swim Coach

  • Makoto Tachibana - Swim Coach

  • Ozpin - Headmaster/History Professor

  • Roronoa Zoro - Dojo Instructor

  • Satoru Gojo - Professor

  • Shouta Aizawa - Preschool Teacher

  • Shura Kirigakure - Professor

  • Sousuke Aizen - Professor

  • Victor Nikiforov - Ice Skater Instructor

  • Yuri Plisetsky - Dance Instructor

  • Zhongli - Professor

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  • Bickslow - Fairy Tail

  • Cornelia Alberona - Fairy Tail

  • Elfman Strauss - Fairy Tail

  • Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail

  • Evergreen - Fairy Tail

  • Freed Justine - Fairy Tail

  • Gajeel Redfox - Fairy Tail

  • Gildarts Clive - Fairy Tail

  • Gray Fullbuster - Fairy Tail

  • Jellal Fernandes - Fairy Tail

  • Juvia Lockser - Fairy Tail

  • Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail

  • Levy McGarden - Fairy Tail

  • Lisanna Strauss - Fairy Tail

  • Meredy

  • Mirajane Strauss - Fairy Tail

  • Natsu Dragneel - Fairy Tail

  • Rogue Cheney - Sabertooth

  • Sting Eucliffe - Sabertooth

  • Yukino Agria - Sabertooth

  • Zeref Dragneel

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  • Kasumi Miwa - All Blue

  • Nina Drango - Clover Tavern

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  • Denji - Food Critic

  • Violet Evergarden - Love Column